Global Coffee Output May Dip 3.6 Per cent in the 2009-10
Global coffee output may dip 3.6% : ICO . Global coffee output may dip 3.6 per cent to 7.41 million tonnes (mt) in the 2009-10 crop year on fall in production in Brazil and Africa, the International Coffee Organisation (ICO) said. . Adverse climatic conditions in few growing regions may also affect crop quality, it added. . Last year, world coffee output had stood at 7.69 mt, it said, adding that the estimate for this year is preliminary as data from Colombia and Vietnam is pending. . “With factors such as a prolonged dry season and high levels of coffee berry borer infestation, there appears to be little possibility of an increase in global production,” ICO said in its latest market report..
Rabi output may fail to meet estimates: . All eyes are now on the estimates for the rabi crop this year. A good winter crop (rabi) will help augment the foodgrain supply and ease food prices. . Hopes of a good crop have been fuelled by favourable weather conditions and the greater thrust on increasing the rabi crop. . The Union agriculture ministry has already indicated that the rabi season, this year, may see an additional 10 million tonne (mt) of output over the past year’s production, implying a growth of 8%..
This optimism on the rabi crop has prompted the Central Statistical Organisation or CSO — the government’s statistics arm — to estimate a meagre fall of 0.2% in agri output this year despite a 16% fall in the kharif (or summer crop) output due to the deficient monsoon..
Uttarakhand not to increase sugarcane price: . The Uttarakhand government seems to be in no mood to increase the price of Rs 215-220 per quintal for sugarcane despite a hefty increase by private sugar mills. . In the first week of December, the government announced the state advised price (SAP) of Rs 192-197 at a time when farmers were agitating for a price of Rs 250. . But soon, the private mills began paying heavy bonuses to farmers in the face of acute shortfall in a desperate bid to keep the factories running. The government too decided to give bonus with a final price of Rs 215-220..
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[Via http://smcinvestment.wordpress.com]
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