Friday, November 27, 2009

The Fatal Concept of a "Job" Psychology

“Nature rewards producers and punishes consumers.”

When I stated this sentence to a Christian gentleman, he immediately got the point. Even though we were coming from different perspectives, we were able to reach the same conclusion about humanity and economic development. He even stated that if one were to study the Old Testament teachings, one would conclude that the “job” concept as we know it was not meant for humanity.

When the children of Israel were in the desert, the Universe had to destroy the slave psychology of the people in order for them to be “right” to enter the Promised Land. It took 2 generations to eradicate the behavior. Once they became truly free, they had to enter and conquer the present inhabitants to establish themselves. Then, the Universe taught them skill sets that made them producers of their daily bread, milk and honey.

As we witness what Alan Greenspan calls “The Age of Turbulence“, we must prepare for the world to come. We must be prepared to produce for ourselves again. How should we interpret this “age of turbulence”? Is this our opportunity to cross the Red Sea while Pharaoh’s armies are drowned? Are we ready for “life without Pharaoh”?

Part of the reason why I’ve pushed for the aggressive pursuit of entrepreneurship (especially children) is to become masters of our own economic fate. The fatal concept of the “job psychology” reminds me of the child that refuses to evolve into adulthood. When the mother eagle begins kicking her eaglets out of the nest, she knows that they will have to learn to “do for self” or die in the wilderness. Animals use game theory to teach their children life lessons and skill sets that will serve them as adults in the wild. In the human world, we have violated those laws by conditioning ourselves and our children to look for some “sugar daddy” (corporation) to take care of them for 30-40 years and pay for our medical assistance in our “golden years” (which doesn’t even provide a lot of gold to make our elderly feel social or secure).

If you are working now, begin to treat it as an apprenticeship. You should NEVER look to stay on someone’s plantation for ALL your adult years. Most apprenticeships usually last 4-5 years. Once that learning experience is completed, the apprentice should be equipped with everything s/he needs to go and do for self and take on her own apprentice. That is how certain skill sets are kept within families and societies. If I’m a master woodworker, I should take on an apprentice or small group of students to teach them not only the woodworking craft, but the business side of woodworking as well. This is the natural order of creating “producers” as opposed to the modern “consumer conditioning” that is taught in the “American FOOL System“.

So, as we witness the economic changing of the guard on this planet, let us focus on enhancing our business and financial literacy. When we seek an education, let it be one that will teach us how to produce our own daily bread, milk and honey. Instead of trying to make the world play checkers, we should focus on learning chess and join the ranks of those business and financial grandmasters that create opportunities for others.

Let Nature reward your production as you bring products and services of value to the marketplace and let Nature continue to punish those who choose to consume like swine and offer little to nothing in return.


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